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Health Fare
June 30, 2015
Bob Cerone of Cognos Hr, LLC is in-studio talking Human Resources, the Afordable Care Act, Greece and more. Joel Elconin of Benzinga talks markets. Kevin O’Neill with a rare Tuesday appearance to discuss the NHL Draft before discussing Obamacare with Bob and the Chief.
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, shows older than September 11, 2015, are unavailable for download. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Guests & Co-Hosts
Bob Cerone
Bob Cerone has been a contributor to Stocks & Jocks since the early 2000's, acting as the show's healthcare, payroll and human resources expert. Bob is the Founder and CEO of CognosHR out of Chicago, IL. Read more.
Joel Elconin
Joel’s introduction to trading was in the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index futures pit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Also, during his time at the CME, he was involved in Index Arbitrage as well as trading foreign currency futures and options. From 1994-1999 he was a proprietary trader for Olde Discount Corporation. Following his tenure at Olde Discount, he founded the Detroit office of Bright Trading, LLC. His responsibilities included trader recruitment, orientation and education as well as the day to day management of the office. He held this position office until 2003. Since 2003, Joel has been an independent trader researching and developing proprietary indicators and trading systems for the equities and futures markets. In 2007, Joel joined JC Trading Group as a Market Consultant and trading supervisor. He provides daily market commentary at Joel obtained his Bachelor of Art in Political Science from the University of Michigan in 1985. Also, he is a graduate of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Continuing Education Program. He also holds his Series 7 and 63 licenses and is a licensed real estate broker.
Kevin O’Neill
Kevin O’Neill is our Wednesday and Friday morning sports guy. His segment emphasizes what happens off the field as much as what happens on the field. All businesses have their intrigue, but the inner workings of sports organizations find their way into the public domain frequently. Unless a rant from the Chief spills into Kevin’s segment (not an unusual occurrence), he will highlight some of those sports related business issues; but be advised that those highlights usually come with an opinion. Read more.
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